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The skills you hope you’ll never need

21 June 2024 | News

Emergency Response Training is like insurance – you hope you’ll never need to use it.

But in the event of an emergency on a mining site, the Emergency Service Officer (ESO) and their team of volunteers need to be ready for immediate and accurate response. Workers will be looking to them for guidance and reassurance, so their knowledge and expertise need to be sharply honed and up to date.

That’s why regular, on-site emergency response training is so important.

Why on-site training is best

Training ESOs and volunteers on their own work site makes sense. Real-life, in-situ training means trainees use and maintain their own equipment, they learn exactly where it’s stored / located and they practice exactly what to do with it, in the location where they’ll need to use it.

In the event of an emergency, the last thing you want is emergency response personnel spending time trying to locate ER equipment, isolation points and water sources on their own site.

Learning from others’ experience

The best emergency response trainers are those who have lived and breathed mine sites. Baseline’s team of trainers all have extensive careers in mining with intimate knowledge of mine sites and the dangers they present.

Baseline Onsite’s General Manager of Training and Emergency Services, Michael Bowron, spent 18 years underground and all of those as an emergency response volunteer or ER Coordinator, so he knows a thing or two about being prepared for emergency events.

“Most of our trainers have 20 plus years’ experience in mining so they’re not just delivering a training package. The trainers have experience to draw from, either from actual emergencies or simply a career in the mining environment, so they’re in the perfect position to impart knowledge and experience the trainees can really relate to,” Michael said.

“After every training program we provide a training report including feedback on the site’s emergency response processes, procedures, equipment, and recommendations about where improvements could be made,” said Michael.

A Compliant Site is a Safe Site

Baseline Onsite offers emergency management audits that help identify gaps in emergency response systems, processes, equipment and training to ensure ER teams have the best chance of successfully managing an emergency situation, if and when it arises.

Emergency Management audits also help to ensure compliance to the 2022 WA WHS Mines Regulations and WHS General Regulations, or relevant legislation.

Training courses tailored to each site

Baseline’s nationally accredited courses are designed to incorporate and reinforce the basic mandatory skills and provide extended skills through the elective units specific to each discipline.

Courses can be delivered individually or in clusters, and units can be customised to suit the needs of each ER team and their environment.

In the event of an emergency, the quality of the training your ER team has received could mean the difference between disaster and success.

Contact Baseline Onsite to schedule your tailored training package.

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