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Online payment required. The cost of this medical is $551.10 (inclusive of GST). Credit card surcharges apply.



The Category 1 Rail Medical applies to rail safety workers who perform high-level safety critical work and whose ill health may result in sudden incapacity or collapse leading to a serious incident affecting public safety or the rail network. It is the highest level of rail medical available According to the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers, a serious incident means: an accident or incident that affects the public or the rail network resulting in: death of a person; incapacitating injury to a person; a collision or derailment involving rolling stock that results in significant damage; or any other occurrence that results in significant property damage.

All Jobfit health assessments of rail safety workers in Australia are conducted in line with the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers.


The Category 1 Rail Medical includes the following:

  • Audiometry
  • Vision Testing
  • Musculoskeletal Screen
  • Medical History
  • Medical Examination
  • ECG
  • Non fasting lipid profile (blood test)
  • Non fasting HbA1c (blood test)

A pre-placement and/or change of risk category health assessments may also include a drug screen, depending on the state/territory’s legislation and the rail transport operator’s requirements. This Rail Medical can include an Instant Drug & Alcohol test if requested at an additional cost.


A periodic health assessment is conducted for Category 1 rail safety workers every:

  • 5 years until age 50
  • 2 years from age 50 to age 60
  • year from age 60 onwards

The price of a Category 1 Rail Medical conducted at a Jobfit centre is $551.10 (incl GST). In addition, a credit card surcharge is payable.

SCROLL DOWN to the form below to request an appointment for a CATEGORY 1 RAIL MEDICAL.

National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers

A new edition of the National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers came into effect on 11 November 2024. To ensure compliance, Jobfit requires Part A of the Request and Report form completed to process a booking.

Please complete the mandatory form A upon completion of the booking – the form can be downloaded here

Request a Category 1 Rail Medical

    Health Assessment Part A Request and Report

    Additional Item to be Included

    Are you available for an appointment tomorrow (not including weekends) if there is availability at your preferred location?

    Requestor Name same as Candidate?

    You must pay for the appointment at the time you request an appointment. Once we have received your payment, your appointment will be confirmed via SMS within 48 hours. Please have your credit card or debit card ready to make payment.
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