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Jobfit Launches New On-Site Health & Wellness Services, including EAP

2 August 2024 | News

Jobfit’s new Health & Wellness division will be offering comprehensive on-site services focusing on employee health and wellbeing, including Skin Cancer Assessments, Flu Vaccinations, Health Checks, and Wellbeing Training and Workshops.

The new division will have a special focus on mental health and psychosocial hazards with the backing of 150 psychologists and counsellors.

Jobfit will have a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP), further broadening the service spectrum.

Since joining Jobfit as the General Manager of Corporate Health and Wellness earlier in the year, Nayeli Brancaccio has been coordinating the rollout of the new services.

“We’re seeing an ever-growing demand for these services in the market, so we’ve brought together experts in these fields to develop and enable the delivery of such services to our clients,” says Nayeli.

The Health & Wellness division supports clients in achieving their employee wellness goals, and positions Jobfit as a leader in the corporate wellbeing sector.

“We’re thrilled to integrate these offerings into our end-to-end workplace health and wellness services, especially after receiving such positive feedback and seeing the increased market demand.”


On-site services include flu vaccinations and skin checks

The services offer tangible benefits to Jobfit’s clients and their employees. On-site health checks and flu vaccinations help reduce absenteeism, ensuring employees remain productive even when minor illnesses strike.

Skin examinations are particularly crucial in Australia, which has the highest incidence of skin cancer globally. By providing these checks at the workplace, Jobfit aims to address the low screening rates and promote early detection.

For Jobfit, launching an EAP is the next logical step to complete the suite of Health & Wellness services.

“A major trend that we’re continuing to see is a rise in mental health challenges and issues for Australian adults, and post-COVID, Millenials and Gen Z have higher expectations of their employers to provide healthier working environments,” says Nayeli.

Research shows that 1 in 5 Australian adults experienced a mental disorder in the last 12 months, and 43% will have a mental health disorder at some point in their adult life.

“This underscores the need for robust support systems in the workplace, which is why we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality services in the expanding corporate wellbeing area.”


Looking to the future

Jobfit’s EAP will provide a wide range of expert-delivered services, leveraging technology to enhance the user experience and support both clients and their employees effectively.

“Ultimately what this means for clients is that they can confidently use Jobfit as a one-stop-shop for all of their occupational health services – knowing we’ll look after them with the same expertise, care and passion Jobfit has for almost three decades,” says Nayeli.

Looking ahead, Nayeli is excited to see the new division come into effect for Jobfit’s clients.

“In my view, workplaces are a fantastic avenue to implement positive change in our society and I believe that in my position at Jobfit I have a responsibility, and the privilege, to be part of that change.”

Click here for more information about Jobfit’s Health & Wellness Services.


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