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ResHealth: Changes to Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme

21 March 2023 | News

ResHealth: Changes to Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme. From 1 April 2023, all Queensland Coal Mine Worker medicals will need to be completed and lodged on ResHealth.

ResHealth is the new online system for the health assessment process for the Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme. The Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme is regulated by the Queensland Government’s Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ).

From 1 April 2023, ResHealth will be mandatory for the completion of coal mine workers’ health scheme assessments, allowing you to submit, monitor and review the progress of your health assessment in a secure online environment.

This change impacts employers, employees and medical service providers. All must adhere to a set of specific requirements in order to complete the Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments in a timely manner.

With all medicals now to be completed and lodged on ResHealth, employers, employees and medical professionals must register on ResHealth (through QGov with 100 point ID) and setup a profile.

Jobfit’s National Medical Director, Dr Ilse Stockhoff, explains the changes and the introduction of ResHealth.

What’s involved with a RSHQ Coal Mine Medical Assessment?

All RSHQ Coal Mine Medical Assessments have various components. Each component must be completed by an Examining Medical Officer (EMO), and finalised by a Supervising Doctor (AMA).

  • Employers Information / RSHQ Section 1 will be completed by employers on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to the Health Assessment.
  • Worker’ Information / RSHQ Section 2 is the worker’s information and includes a Health Questionnaire. This will also be completed by the workers on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to the Health Assessment
  • Health Examination / RSHQ Section 3 covers various components. These will be completed during the Health Assessment by a Nurse and EMO.

During the Health Assessment, you will be required to have ILO Chest X-Ray, Audiogram, and a Spirometry test. Upon completing your Health Assessment, the EMO will complete the Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal. Next, this will be finalised by an AMA.

Changes for employers

Following initial registration, the representative can invite additional employees to ResHealth.

As an employer, you must specify which AMA’s you have contracted on your profile.

Employers MUST initiate a Health Assessment (HA) for new or existing workers. Furthermore, they MUST complete the necessary Employer information (Section 1) via the online portal. This must be done BEFORE the Health Assessment can be completed.

Once this information is finalised, a Health Assessment number (HA#) will be provided to the employer. This HA# and worker Date of Birth (DOB) are required to book a Health Assessment with Jobfit.

Employers must inform their workers of their requirement to complete the Worker Information & Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending for the Health Assessment.

Employers will receive an email once the Health Assessment is completed. The email will include instructions to download the Health Assessment Report (Section 4) from the ResHealth portal.

Changes for employees

Once an employer has initiated a Health Assessment, the worker will need to complete Worker Information & Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending the Health Assessment.

Self-employed workers can initiate a Health Assessment, however they will have to register as an employer and as a worker. The Health Assessment can then be initiated following the same Employer process.

Those who have never worked on a coal mine will be required to complete an Initial or Baseline RSHQ Health Assessment.

Coal Mine Workers with a current valid Health Assessment who have changed employers are required to obtain a new Health Assessment Report (Section 4) with the correct employer and mine site. The AMA will review the medical and, if possible, update the Health Assessment Report (Section 4). Alternatively, they will advise the employer of the requirement to complete a full new medical.

Existing coal mine workers are required to complete a RSHQ Medical Assessment 5 years after their Initial / Baseline Health Assessment and then every 5 years after that. Earlier health assessments may be clinically required as per RSHQ Clinical Pathway criteria, at the discretion of the AMA.

Health Assessments completed prior to 1 April 2023 and/or completed on RSHQ Coal Mine paperwork will not be available on the ResHealth Portal.  Therefore, a request for previous information (previous spirometry or full medical) must still be lodged. This is done by completing the relevant form correctly, and submitting through the HSU portal.

Coal mine workers leaving the industry or retiring may complete an optional RSHQ Coal Mine Medical Assessment. Doing so equips them with the necessary information and action plan to protect their health.

For medical services providers 

RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessments can only be completed by an Examining Medical Officer (EMO) who has completed their training and has an RSHQ registration number.

RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessments can only be finalised by a Supervising Doctor (AMA) who has completed their training. Furthermore, they must have completed annual QIP accreditation and have an RSHQ registration number.

Spirometry for RSHQ Medicals can only be completed by a QIP accredited clinic with an RSHQ registration number and a Nurse who has completed the relevant spirometry training.

RSHQ Coal Mine Medical Assessments have been separated into 4 categories: Initial or Baseline, Periodic, Exit and Former Worker Assessments.

Need to book a COAL MINE WORKER medical?

Booking a RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessment is simple. To secure your booking, you’ll need to fill out the Medical Appointment Request Form at the bottom of the Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme page.

If you’re a coal mine employer, employee, or medical professional – we’re here to help you take your next steps.

  • If you are an employer and an existing Jobfit client and need to book a large number of medicals, please register for MediManager.
  • If you are an employer and wish to set up an account with Jobfit, please contact us.
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