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Jobfit are taking action on COVID-19 | Read more




The most advanced solution for booking and managing medical assessments. Account set-up required.


No account set-up required. Book and pay online.


The Coal Mine Workers’ Health Scheme is regulated by the Queensland Government, Resources Safety & Health Queensland. The scheme applies only to the Coal Mines in Queensland.

Under the scheme, employers must ensure that health assessments are carried out on each person they employ, or are intending to employ in any role on a Coal Mine. This includes an assessment when they enter the industry and then at least every five years while employed in the industry. Jobfit conducts these assessments all over Australia.

There are specific requirements that both the employer and the employee must adhere to in order to complete the RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessments in a timely manner.

  • Employers must register on ResHealth (through QGov with 100 point ID) and setup their profile.
  • Employers are responsible for ensuring their profile and AMAs are up to date.
  • Employers MUST initiate a Health Assessment (HA) for new or existing workers and complete the necessary employer information via the online portal (Section 1) BEFORE the Health Assessment can be completed.
  • A Health Assessment number (HA#) will be provided to the employer. This HA# and worker Date of Birth (DOB) are required in order to book a Health Assessment with Jobfit
  • Employers must also inform their workers of their requirement to complete the worker information / Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending for the Health Assessment.
  • Employers will receive an email once the Health Assessment is completed in order to download the Section 4 from the ResHealth portal.

  • Workers must register on ResHealth (through QGov with 100 point ID) and setup their profile.
  • Once a Health Assessment is initiated by their employer, the employee MUST complete the worker information / Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending for the Health Assessment
  • Self-employed workers cannot initiate or book a Health Assessment if the employer has not initiated it on the ResHealth portal.
  • Self-employed workers with their own company or who are working for themselves, can initiate a Health Assessment, however they will have to register as an employer and as a worker. The Health Assessment can then be initiated following the same Employer process.


Queensland Coal Mine Workers Health Scheme

To ensure compliance with the Resources Safety & Health Queensland (RSHQ), Jobfit requires all requests for QLD Coal Board Medicals for clients who do not have a MediManager account to be submitted online through the below appointment request form.

In order to request an appointment, you must initiate the Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal and provide Jobift with the Health Assessment number (HA#) and the correct Date of Birth of the employee. Jobfit cannot accept Section 1 completed on the hardcopy paperwork from 1 April 2023. To complete your appointment request you must provide the worker’s Lungscreen ID. Click here to register for a Lungscreen ID and have this ready when completing your appointment request below.

Medical Appointment Request Form

    Do you have a confirmed position with a mine/employer?

    You MUST have a HA# in order to book an RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessment

    Are you available for an appointment tomorrow (not including weekends) if there is availability at your preferred location?

    Requestor Name same as Candidate?

    The Final Section 4 cannot be signed by the AMA until the previous, or new ILO Chest X-ray report has been sighted for ALL assessments. Please tick one option only:

    Additional Items to be Included

    You must pay for the appointment at the time you request an appointment. Once we have received your payment, your appointment will be confirmed via SMS. Please have your credit card or debit card ready to make payment.
    The worker / employee must complete the RSHQ health assessment questionnaire (section 2) on the ResHealth portal prior to attending for the health assessment

    Request a Subsequent Review

    Although a CMHWS medical assessment (RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessment) is valid for a period of up to 5 years, the AMA may recommend subsequent reviews at shorter intervals.

    1. AMA REVIEW – SUBSEQUENT / PARTIAL REVIEW with current Health Assessment completed PRIOR to 1 April 2023

    Same process as when booking a new full Health Assessment on the ResHeatlh portal:

    • Employer has to initiate this Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal and complete the employer information (Section 1) through the portal.
    • Employer has to provide the HA# and the correct Date of Birth of the worker to Jobfit at the time when Subsequent Review is booked.
    • Employee has to complete the worker information & Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending for the Subsequent Review

    2. AMA REVIEW – SUBSEQUENT / PARTIAL REVIEW with current Health Assessment completed AFTER 1 April 2023

    • Employer and employee do not have to complete anything on the ResHealth portal
    • Employer can book the Subsequent Review directly with Jobfit and reference the current Health Assessment number (HA#)

      You MUST have a HA# in order to book an RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessment

      The worker / employee must complete the RSHQ health assessment questionnaire (section 2) on the ResHealth portal prior to attending for the health assessment

      Are you available for an appointment tomorrow (not including weekends) if there is availability at your preferred location?

      Additional Items to be Included

      Requestor Name same as Candidate?

      Upload 'Section 4' (required)

      Upload any medical reports for AMA review of medical condition

      You must pay for the appointment at the time you request an appointment. Once we have received your payment, your appointment will be confirmed via SMS. Please have your credit card or debit card ready to make payment.

      Request an Employer/Site Change

      A Coal Worker changing employer must undergo a CMWHS medical assessment (RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessment) relevant to their new employer and role risk profile.

      Although a CMHWS medical assessment (RSHQ Coal Mine Health Assessment) is valid for a period of up to 5 years, Jobfit will only consider a Change of Employer AMA Review where the previous assessment was completed within the last 5 years and the employer has completed the necessary information (Section 1) on the online ResHealth portal.

      Services options:

      Existing Section 4 is signed off by a Jobfit doctor. This information is found in the Practice Stamp part of the Section 4.

      Same process as when booking a new full Health Assessment on the ResHeatlh portal:

      • Employer has to initiate this Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal and complete the employer information (Section 1) through the portal.
      • Employer has to provide the HA# and the correct Date of Birth of the worker to Jobfit at the time when Subsequent Review is booked.
      • Employee has to complete the worker information & Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending for the Subsequent Review
      2. AMA Review – original medical not via jobfit

      You are responsible to source a full copy of your past medical results from either RSHQ HSU or the original provider.

      Past Results include:

      • Section 1,2,3 & 4 of most recent medical
      • Printout of spirometry test results
      • Medical completed AFTER 1 March 2019 – Copy of Adjudicated Lungscreen NIOSH B Read ILO Chest X-ray report
      • Medical completed BEFORE 1 March 2019 – Copy of ILO Chest X-ray report and US B-Read Report

      Same process as when booking a new full Health Assessment on the ResHeatlh portal:

      • Employer has to initiate this Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal and complete the employer information (Section 1) through the portal.
      • Employer has to provide the HA# and the correct Date of Birth of the worker to Jobfit at the time when Subsequent Review is booked.

      NB: The AMA reserves the right to notify the employee/employer that a new Health Surveillance Report (Section 4) cannot be completed with the past medical information and that further assessment is required. In this instance the employee must complete the required medical components requested by the AMA prior to the new Health Surveillance Report (Section 4) being provided. Turnaround times will not apply in these circumstances.

      For more information please see under frequently asked questions ‘Change of Employer’.


      Existing Section 4 is signed off by a Jobfit doctor. This information is found in the Practice Stamp part of the Section 4.

      Current Health Assessment completed BEFORE 1 April 2023

      Same process as when booking a new full Health Assessment on the ResHeatlh portal:

      • Employer has to initiate this Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal and complete the employer information (Section 1) through the portal.
      • Employer has to provide the HA# and the correct Date of Birth of the worker to Jobfit at the time when Subsequent Review is booked.
      • Employee has to complete the worker information & Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending for the Subsequent Review

      Current Health Assessment completed AFTER 1 April 2023

      • Employer and employee do not have to complete anything on the ResHealth portal
      • Employer can book the AMA Review for change of mine site directly with Jobfit and reference the current Health Assessment number (HA#)

      You are responsible to source a full copy of your past medical results from either RSHQ HSU or the original provider.

      Past Results include:

      • Section 1,2,3 & 4 of most recent medical
      • Printout of spirometry test results
      • Medical completed AFTER 1 March 2019 – Copy of Adjudicated Lungscreen NIOSH B Read ILO Chest X-ray report
      • Medical completed BEFORE 1 March 2019 – Copy of ILO Chest X-ray report and US B-Read Report

      Same process as when booking a new full Health Assessment on the ResHeatlh portal:

      • Employer has to initiate this Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal and complete the employer information (Section 1).
      • Employer has to provide the HA# and the correct Date of Birth of the worker to Jobfit at the time when Subsequent Review is booked.

      Current Health Assessment completed BEFORE 1 April 2023

      Same process as when booking a new full Health Assessment on the ResHeatlh portal:

      • Employer has to initiate this Health Assessment on the ResHealth Portal and complete the employer information (Section 1) through the portal.
      • Employer has to provide the HA# and the correct Date of Birth of the worker to Jobfit at the time when Subsequent Review is booked.
      • Employee has to complete the worker information & Health Assessment Questionnaire (Section 2) on the ResHealth portal PRIOR to attending for the Subsequent Review

      Current Health Assessment completed AFTER 1 April 2023

      • Employer and employee do not have to complete anything on the ResHealth portal
      • Employer can book the Subsequent Review directly with Jobfit and reference the current Health Assessment number (HA#)

        You MUST have a HA# in order to book an RSHQ Coal Mine Subsequent Health Assessment

        The worker / employee must complete the RSHQ health assessment questionnaire (section 2) on the ResHealth portal prior to attending for the health assessment

        Requestor Name same as Candidate?

        Upload Section 4 (required)

        Upload Full paperwork including Section 1-4 of most recent medical, printout of spirometry test results, copy of ILO CXR B Read Lungscreen report (required)

        Upload Release Forms (required)

        Download Sample Form

        You must pay for the appointment at the time you request an appointment. Once we have received your payment, your appointment will be confirmed via SMS. Please have your credit card or debit card ready to make payment.
        • When and how often must workers be assessed?
        • If a worker changes employers do they need a health assessment?
        • How the health assessment works
        • Chest x-ray and respiratory function requirements
        • Why can't my candidate/worker go to an x-ray clinic of their choice?
        • Why can a medical no longer be completed on the same day?
        • Health assessment report
        • Record keeping and reporting requirements
        • Confidentiality of information
        • What happens if workers have health issues or are unfit?
        • Obtaining copies of medical reports
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