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Which drug test is best?

15 November 2022 | News

Regular drug testing isn’t just about the health and safety of your workforce – in many industries, it’s a statutory requirement.

That’s because a drug or alcohol-affected staff member can be dangerous in the workplace.

It might be a one-time incident of arriving at work affected by illicit or prescription drugs or alcohol, or a failed drug or alcohol test could indicate a wider problem of addiction for that individual staff member or even a cultural problem within the team or workplace.

But when it comes to drug testing, not all tests are the same. So how do you know what’s right for your organisation?

At Jobfit, we know that the best drug testing for your organisation is accurate, timely, completed onsite, cost-effective, and respectful of your staff.

Instant drug screening can be tested through urine samples or saliva samples.

How does drug testing work?

Instant or onsite drug testing tests for drug groups, or their ’metabolites’ – the by-products of a person’s metabolism breaking down drugs. Metabolites can also come from a person metabolising food, chemicals or even their own body tissues. Metabolites can be present in the body for longer than the original drug that was consumed.

Confirmation testing has the ability to test for the specific drug or the specific metabolites, rather than the drug group, if this testing is available.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of urinary testing?

Urine testing has been well studied and documented and used in workplace drug testing for more than 30 years. It is reliable and accurate and ensures your staff are fit for daily duties.

If an employee delivers a positive result, the sample will need to be tested off site in a laboratory in accordance with the Australian Standards AS/NZS 4308:2008.


  • Lower cost
  • Onsite urine testing results with Jobfit in as little as five minutes
  • Wide range of drug groups can be tested, including cannabis, opiates, methamphetamines, amphetamines, benzodiazepines and cocaine
  • Provides a longer window of detection (up to 72 hours prior)


  • Very recent drug use (between 6-12 hours prior to the test) may not register
  • Private toilet or restroom facilities required to provide samples
  • Observation of the delivery of the sample may be required to ensure it’s not adulterated (by diluting with water/chemicals or swapping for other urine)
  • If the testing is scheduled (not random and unexpected), employees may be able to adulterate their sample by drinking large amounts of water, delaying arrival at the testing site, or attempting to detox with food
What are the advantages and disadvantages of saliva screening?

More recent advances in technology have led to saliva (oral fluid) screening, which may be best known for its roadside use by police in conjunction with random breath testing.


  • Can indicate more recent drug use due to the shorter window of detection
  • Less invasive to administer the testing
  • Tests can be taken at any location
  • More difficult to adulterate the test results when undertaken randomly and without scheduling (possible to adulterate when scheduled through brushing teeth or rinsing mouth prior to testing)


  • Higher cost
  • Does not display the same level of accuracy as urine testing due to the shorter and varied window of detection for the various drug groups
  • Low chance of identifying benzodiazepine use due to extremely low levels in oral fluid
  • May not detect tetrahydrocannabinol otherwise known as THC (a component from marijuana consumption)
  • Confirmation testing as required under the applicable standard, AS 4760:2019, is not widely available
Which test should your organisation use?

The short answer is potentially both – with a combination of ‘planned’, short notice and random testing.

This allows your organisation to be flexible in the drug testing method and give staff less opportunity to avoid testing or adulterate their sample.

It does depend on what an organisation wants to achieve and the reason for conducting the drug testing. Jobfit can advise on the best drug testing strategy for individual organisations.

Jobfit makes it easy for your organisation

At Jobfit, our professional and qualified staff can conduct on-site drug and alcohol testing at your business or worksite.

For more information contact Jobfit on 1300 61 61 65 or request a quote for drug screening.

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